Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Common Oral Health Problems and How an Emergency Dentist Can Help

Emergency Dentist
As a local emergency dentist, we treat patients with all types of oral health problems.  Many people think that as long as they keep their teeth healthy, they will never have an emergency.  This, unfortunately, isn’t the case because teeth are subject to all types of damage just like the rest of your body is.  The majority of adult tooth damage happens while playing sports so even if you are trying to be healthy, you could still injure your teeth.
There are several reasons why people need to see a dentist quickly.  If any of these happen to you, we recommend keeping your mouth clean by rinsing with warm water and avoiding eating or drinking anything other than water. We also advice staying away from blood thinners or aspirin since it can make it harder for your blood to clot. If you are in pain, apply a cold compress or ice to help stop the pain and reduce the swelling. Next, call our office so that you can be treated right away.
Here are common reasons people need to see an emergency dentist:
  • Broken tooth.  If your tooth gets cracked or chipped while playing sports, at work, riding a bike, playing with the kids, etc., you will need to get it restored quickly.  A damaged tooth can become infected and painful.  By having it restored right away, you can prevent these complications. 
  • Lost tooth.  If your tooth gets knocked out, we can either help to save it or provide options for replacing it.  If you can find the tooth rinse it off and put it into a glass of milk then come see us. When possible, we will save your natural tooth but time is of the essence.
  • Swelling in your face.  If you notice that your face or jaw starts to swell up, it could be due to an infection called a dental abscess.  An abscess is a severe infection and needs to be drained immediately before the infection can be reduced.  If you allow it to spread, the infection will only grow and become more painful, so you need care immediately. 
  • Massive bleeding.  If you mouth starts to bleed and won’t stop, you need to come see us right away so that we can identify the source of the bleeding and provide the treatment necessary to stop it. 
  • Swollen gums.  If your gums are hurting, swelling, and bleeding you may have gum disease.  This can be treated by removing the bacteria from underneath your gums.  If you schedule an appointment right away, the damage can be reversed before pockets are created in the gum tissue.  If you ignore the condition, you will likely need a gum graft later on. 
As an emergency dentist, we provide dental care when you need it so don’t worry about calling after hours or on the weekend.  If we don’t pick up, leave a message, and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.  Our goal is to treat you right away so that you can start to feel well again.